Friday, March 30, 2012

viernes, el 30 de marzo de 2012

-Canción: No me ames (no enfoque)
-Correct WS (answers online here)
-Notes: Present perfect (not in book; notes here and ppt here)

Sp II Honors
Enfoque #21 - Group or partner quick write about the movies
-Leer: pgs 334-335
-Notes: Present Subjunctive pg. 339
HW: WB pgs 269-271

jueves, el 29 de marzo de 2012

-Enfoque #20- Translate!    
1. Don’t film it (the scene)!   
2. Look at me!    
3. Don’t wait for us!    
4. Put it on (the makeup).    
5. Don’t tell it to her!
-Correct WB pgs 261, 265
-Notes: Past Participles as adjectives
HW: WS on Past Participles as adjectives

Sp II Honors
Test 6.1

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

miércoles, el 28 de marzo de 2012

Enfoque #19- Translate!   
1. Don’t cry now!   
2. Don’t look at the camera!   
3. Wait for the special effects!   
4. Don’t film the scene now.   
5. Edit the sound.   
6. Don’t fail, learn your role!
-Vocab Quiz 6.1
-Canción:  No Me Ames by Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony
HW - WB pgs 251, 254 (due 3/29)
Sp Test 6.1 next week! + Last day to turn in Gaggle EC!

Sp II Honors
Enfoque #20(H)- Translate!
1. Have you seen the movie Hunger Games? See it!
2. Have you opened your email? If you haven’t opened it, open it!
3.  I haven’t put on my coat. Don’t put it on! It’s hot!
4. My friend hasn’t filmed the movie yet. Don’t film it!
-Review PPT 6.1
HW: STUDY FOR TEST! + Last day to turn in Gaggle EC!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

martes, el 27 de marzo de 2012

Enfoque #18
1. Learn the role well.
2. Come here at 7 pm.
3. Put on this hat.
4. Tell the plot to the
5. Write the screenplay!

-Correct WB: pgs. 249-250
-Notes: Vamos + ir +infinitve pg. 314
-Notes: Negative Tú Commands pg. 320

Sp II Honors
-Enfoque #19
1. Maria, add garlic &salt.
2. Jose, taste the strawberries, they’re delicious and sweet.
3. Amanda don’t boil the potatoes before frying them.
4. Sarah don’t mix the mayo, mustard, salt & pepper please.
-Correct Book pgs. 330-331 (2-5)
-Leer: Telehistoria pg. 313, 318, 323
-Mirar: Telehistoria
HW: STUDY for Test 6.1 on Thursday

Friday, March 23, 2012

viernes, el 23 de febrero de 2012

SpII Honors
Enfoque #18
1. Have you seen the director?
2. Have you guys filmed the scene?
3.  I have met many actors or actresses.
4.  Many people have put makeup on themselves.
5. My friend hasn’t played that role and she hasn’t failed.
Practice with En Español WB pgs 149-152
HW: Write 15 sentences using the present perfect and the vocab from 329
Test 6.1 on Wednesday

Enfoque #17
1. They filmed the scene yesterday.
2. I failed and didn’t learn my role.
3. Did you put the microphone close to the actress?
4. That comedy was so funny it made me laugh and cry.
5. The screen play writer wrote a great screenplay.
Act 1 and 1 pg. 312
Correct HW WB pgs 246-247
Notes pgs 315
HW:WB pgs 250-251
Vocab Quiz 6.1 on Wednesday

Thursday, March 22, 2012

jueves, el 22 de marzo de 2012

Enfoque #17-Translate!
1. Have you eaten breakfast?
2. Have y’all done your HW?
3.  I haven’t met anyone.
4.  Many people have bathed themselves.
5. My friend hasn’t called me yet. 
-Group Present Participle WS
-Canción: No Me Ames
HW: Book Review 330-331 (2-5)

-Vocab Act 6.1
-Leer: Unit Opener 6.1pgs 306-307
-Leer: Vocabulario 6.1 pgs  310-311
HW:  WB pgs 246-247 (due 3/23)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

miércoles, el 21 de marzo de 2012


Test 5.2

SpII Honors
No Enfoque
-Vocab Quiz 6.1
-Correct HW WB pgs 261, 264, 266
-Leer: La Casa de los Espíritus pg. 326-7
-Notes: Present Perfect PPT (not in book-see resources below)
HW:HW - WS - Present Perfect URB pgs 8-9
Notes on Past Participles as Adjectives
Present Perfect Notes


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

martes, el 20 de marzo de 2012

-Enfoque #16
Answer using IO/DO Pronouns
1. ¿Ustedes les están mandando cartas a tus padres desde España?
2. ¿Ellos te van a llamar por la mañana?
3. ¿Debo ponerme mucho maquillaje?) Use Usted Command to say put/don’t put)
Rewrite using DO/IO pronouns
4. Ayer tú diste chocolate a él.
5. Tenía que devolver las botas a ti.
6. Necesitáis cepillaros los dientes cada día.
-Review PPT 5.2
Test 5.2 tomorrow
*Answers to EC WS here

Sp II Honors

Enfoque #16- Translate!   
1. Don’t cry now!  
 2. Don’t look at the camera!   
3. Wait for the special effects!   
4. Film the scene now.   
5. Edit the sound.   
6. Don’t fail, learn your role!
-Correct HW: WB 252-254
-Act 13 pg. 322
-Leer: Cultura pgs. 316, 322
-Mirar: La Casa de los Espíritus
 HW: WB pgs 261, 264, 266
Words for vocab 6.1 that aren't clues: la escena, esperar, la cámara digital, software, el maquillaje, el sonido, tener éxito, famoso, el/la guionista, el drama, la película de fantasia, la película de terror, Me hace reír

Monday, March 19, 2012

lunes, el 19 de marzo de 2012

Sp II Honors
Enfoque #16 - Use Familiar (Tú) commands
 1. Learn the role well.
2. Come here at 7 pm.
3. Put on this hat.
4. Tell the plot to the actriz.
5. Write the screenplay!
-Correct HW: WB pgs 249-251
-Notes: Negative Tú Commands pg 320 (PPT)
-Act 11 pg. 321
HW: WB pgs 252-254
*Vocab Quiz 6.1 on Weds

Enfoque #15-Answer using IO/DO Pronouns
1. ¿Les estás escribiendo correos electrónicos a tus amigos?
2. ¿Ustedes me van a dar un regalo para mi cumpleaños?
3. ¿Debo daros mucha tarea? (Use Usted Command to say give or don’t give…)
Rewrite using DO/IO pronouns 
4. Ella siempre da tarea a nosotros.
5. Tengo que comprar los boletos.
6. Queremos ponernos botas hoy.
-Leer: Telehistoria pgs 281, 286, 291
-Mirar: Telehistoria y Video de vocabulario
HW: WB pgs 228, 240, 235

*Test 5.2 Moved to Wednesday
What's on the test
-Vocab pg. 297
-Affirmative/Negative Words pg. 283
-Double Object Pronoun Replacement pg. 288 (review DOPNs pg. 41, IOPNs pg. 46 if necessary)
-Culture pgs. 284, 290, 294-295

Friday, March 16, 2012

viernes, el 16 de marzo de 2012

Sp II Honors
-Vocab Act 6.1
-Go over HW Q's WB 246-248
-Act 1, 2 pg. 312
-Notes: Vamos + a + infinitive pg. 314, + Act 4
-Notes: Positive Tú p. 315 (PPT)
HW: 249 - 251

-Enfoque #14 - Act 1 pg 298
-Leer: Cultura pg. 294-295
-Correct: Book pg. 298-299 (Act 2-3)
HW: EC WS (URB 5.2 pgs 19-20)
Test 5.2 on Tuesday

Thursday, March 15, 2012

jueves, el 15 de marzo de 2012

Sp II Honors
-Finish Selena
-Leer: Unit Opener 6.1
-Leer: Vocabulario 6.2
HW:  WB pgs 246-248 (due 3/16)

-Finish Selena
-Review: Affirmative/Negatives pg. 283
-Act 8 pg. 285
-Review: Double Object Pronouns pg. 288
HW: Book pgs 298-299 (Act 2-5) due 3/16

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

lunes, el 12 de marzo, martes, el 13 de marzo y miercoles el 14 de marzo

lunes, el 12 de marzo
SpII Honors
Test 5.2

Library Day
Odes are due Friday

martes, el 13 de marzo
CAHSEE Testing
No HW! :o)

Friday, March 9, 2012

viernes, el 9 de marzo de 2012

-Enfoque #13 - Act 3 pg 280
-Vocab Game
-Vocab Quiz 5.2
Library Day on Monday! Bring ID and flash drive!

-Enfoque #14 - Act 1 pg. 298
-Watch Telehistoria
-Review PPT 5.2
Test 5.2 on Monday!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

jueves, el 8 de marzo de 2012

Enfoque #13 -
-Correct HW: Book pgs 298-299 (3-5)
-Correct WS: URB 5.2 pg 19-20
-Leer: Telehistoria pgs 281, 286, 291
HW: WB pgs 236, 239, 240

-Enfoque #12 - Act 6 pg. 284
-Finish PPT (Affirmative/Negative) pg. 283
-Correct WB pgs 220-221/223-224
-Notes: Double Object Pronouns pg. 288 (PPT)
HW: WB pg 226-227
*Study for Vocab Quiz 5.2 tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

miércoles, el 7 de marzo de 2012

Sp II Honors
Enfoque #12

Álvaro va a salir a una fiesta y sus padres están preocupados. Lee sus preguntas a Álvaro y escribe un mandato apropiado para la respuesta de Álvaro usando la forma de usted o ustedes. Usa pronombres de objeto directo o indirecto en los mandatos:

1. —¿Te esperamos para cenar?
—No, no ______________.
2. —¿Digo a tus amigos adonde fuiste?
—Sí ______________a ellos adonde fui.
3. —¿Te llamamos si hay un problema?
—Sí, ______________.
4. —¿Nos acostamos?
—No, no ______________.
5. —¿Apagamos las luces para dormir?
—Sí ______________
-Leer: Cultura pgs 294-295
-Correct: HW Book pg. 298 Act 2, 3
HW: WS - URB 5.2 pg 19-20
Test 5.2 - Friday

Spanish II CP
-Enfoque #11 - Act 1 pg 280
-Act 2 pg. 280
-Discuss CAHSEE Test
-Discuss Odas
-Notes: Affirmative/Negative words pg. 283 (PPT)
HW: WB pgs 223-224

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

martes, el 6 de marzo de 2012

Sp II Honors
Vocab Quiz 5.2
Enfoque #10 - Act 14 pg. 289
-Act 13 pg. 289
-Correct WB pg. 276-278
-Leer: Pronunciation pg. 289
-Leer: Cultura pg. 290
HW: Book pgs 298-299 (2-5)

-Preterite Tic Tac Toe
-Preterite/Imperfect Quiz
-Leer: Odas de Pablo Neruda pg. 270-271
-HW: WB pg 219 + Write your own Oda (10 line minimum; rough draft due 3/7)

Monday, March 5, 2012

lunes, el 5 de marzo de 2012

-Enfoque #10 - Act 6 pg. 284 (part B)
-Correct WB pgs 223-225
-Leer: Cultura pg. 284
-Notes: Double Object Pronouns pg. 288 (PPT)
HW: WB pgs 226-228
* Vocab Quiz 5.2 on Tuesday
* Test 5.2 on Thursday or Friday

-Vocab Activity 5.2
-Review Preterite and Imperfect
HW: WB pgs 220-221
* Vocab Quiz 5.2 on Friday
* Preterite/Imperfect Quiz on Tuesday

Friday, March 2, 2012

viernes, el 2 de marzo de 2012

Sp II Honors
-Vocab Activity 5.2
-HW Q's WB 220-222
-Act 5 pg. 282 (en voz alta con un compañero)
-Notes: Affirmative/Negative words pg. 283 (PPT)
HW: WB pgs 223-225
* Vocab Quiz 5.2 on Tuesday
* Test 5.2 on Thursday or Friday

-NB Check
-Test 5.1
No HW :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

jueves, el primero de marzo de 2012

Sp II Honors
-Enfoque #9 - Write your own vocab clues for 5 words on pg. 297
-Share your clues with another group
-Leer: Vocabulario 5.2 pg 278-279
-Act 1,2 pg. 280
HW: WB pg 220-222 + Print and bring your  Ode Poster --> due Friday, 3/2

Enfoque #10 - Listening Act 1 pg. 274
-Correct Book 274-275
-Leer: Telehistoria 257, 262, 267
-Review PPT 5.1
HW: STUDY FOR TEST! If you didn't do WB pgs 211, 214, 218 do those too!
On Test 5.1
  • Culture on Spain (pgs 250-251, 260, 266)
  • 5.1 Vocab on pg. 273
  • Positive/Negative Usted/Ustedes Commands (Regular and Irregulars) pg. 259
  • Ud/Uds Commands + DO/IO  Pronouns pg. 265
  • ísimos and how to use them pg. 258