Enfoque #64 - Escoge (choose) el verbo correcto y conjuga (conjugate) el verbo en la forma correcta.
1. Maribel y Enrique (almorzar / encontrar) en un restaurante bonito.
2. Maribel pide mucha comida y después ( dormir / encontrar ) mucho.
3. Enrique no (poder / volver) pagar porque no tiene dinero.
4. En la cena los camareros ( pedir / servir ) arroz con pollo.
5. Mi madre hace un pastel y lo ( pedir / servir ) de postre.
6. Nosotros no ( pedir / servir ) mucho porque no tenemos mucha hambre
Quizlet Shoe Verb practice if you get done quickly!
Correct HW: WB pgs 187, 190
Hablar: Act 10 pg. 227
Leer: Cultura pg. 225
Leer: Cultura pgs. 234-235
If time, Quizlet.live with shoe verbs
HW: Book Review pgs. 238-239 (Act 2-5)
C14 & C15 have info on Carnaval / Mardis Gras (Fat Tuesday)
Test 4.2 Changed to Friday (we have visitors coming from the district on Thursday)
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
lunes, el 27 de febrero de 2017
Enfoque #63 - Act 12 pg. 229 - Find out what the Direct Object is, turn it into a pronoun and have the waiter serve it. Maribel: bebida (la camarera)
--> Direct Object noun --what is she ordering? A bebida; pronoun is la for it; the person in the parentheses is the person doing the serving.
--> Maribel pide una bebida y la camarera la sirve. (Maribel is ordering a drink and the waitress serves it)
-Pronunciation pg. 229 - ci / ce
- Partner Practice pg. 230 - Act 14 (out loud)
- Cultura - Las Meninas pg. 230
-Leer: Telehistoria pg. 221, 226, 231
-Mirar: Telehistoria
If time, read more culture pgs 225, 234-235
HW: WB 187, 190
--> Direct Object noun --what is she ordering? A bebida; pronoun is la for it; the person in the parentheses is the person doing the serving.
--> Maribel pide una bebida y la camarera la sirve. (Maribel is ordering a drink and the waitress serves it)
-Pronunciation pg. 229 - ci / ce
- Partner Practice pg. 230 - Act 14 (out loud)
- Cultura - Las Meninas pg. 230
-Leer: Telehistoria pg. 221, 226, 231
-Mirar: Telehistoria
If time, read more culture pgs 225, 234-235
HW: WB 187, 190
Friday, February 24, 2017
viernes, el 24 de febrero de 2017
No Enfoque
Quizlet Live
Vocab Quiz 4.2
-Finish Notes on e-> i stem-changers
-Correct HW: WB pgs 175-177
HW: WB 178
Thursday, February 23, 2017
jueves, el 23 de febrero de 2017
Enfoque #62 - Act 6 pg. 224 - Make sentences from the puzzle pieces.
Example: Las entradas para el concierto cuestan quince euros.
Part 1
Take notes. 1. E-->I Shoe Verbs, pg. 228 (new notes!)
-Pull out your notes again and you will be adding e --> i shoe verbs so you can add things if you need.
-Watch this video here
-Add to your notes e --> i notes by reading through the explanation here
-Practice with these activities here:
-1. Watch the vocabulary videos on the @ home tutor and answer the questions: Click here
1. Enter your name 2. Click "beginner" 3. Click "unidad 4" 4. Click "lección 2" 5. Click "Gramática" 6. Click "Práctica: Gramática 2"
-2. Conjuguemos.com (4.2, not cumulative) do it in 5-minute increments until you're happy with your score.
-3. Practice Quiz
-4. Practice Test
Part 2
Now do some vocab practice for tomorrow's 4.2 vocab quiz:
1. Watch the vocabulary videos on the @ home tutor and answer the questions: Click here
1. Enter your name 2. Click "beginner" 3. Click "unidad 4" 4. Click "lección 2" 5. Click "vocabulario" 6. Click "presentación video"
2. Play scatter; (5-10 minutes) Click here
3. Play Jewels of Wisdom: (5-10 minutes) Click here
4. Complete the vocabulary practice activities on the @ home tutor and answer the questions: Click here
1. Enter your name 2. Click "beginner" 3. Click "unidad 4" 4. Click "lección 2" 5. Click "vocabulario" 6. Click "práctica"
5. Quiz yourself on the flashcards. Click here
-Star the cards that you do not know,
- Show the card in Spanish, say it in English
6. Take the lesson 1 quiz: Click here
If you didn't watch these videos yesterday check them out today:
-Watch the three videos on stem-changing verbs on this page: http://www.senorashby.com/stem-changing-verbs.html the top three should work.
HW: WB pg 177 + Study for your vocab quiz 4.2
Example: Las entradas para el concierto cuestan quince euros.
Part 1
Take notes. 1. E-->I Shoe Verbs, pg. 228 (new notes!)
-Pull out your notes again and you will be adding e --> i shoe verbs so you can add things if you need.
-Watch this video here
-Add to your notes e --> i notes by reading through the explanation here
-Practice with these activities here:
-1. Watch the vocabulary videos on the @ home tutor and answer the questions: Click here
1. Enter your name 2. Click "beginner" 3. Click "unidad 4" 4. Click "lección 2" 5. Click "Gramática" 6. Click "Práctica: Gramática 2"
-2. Conjuguemos.com (4.2, not cumulative) do it in 5-minute increments until you're happy with your score.
-3. Practice Quiz
-4. Practice Test
Part 2
Now do some vocab practice for tomorrow's 4.2 vocab quiz:
1. Watch the vocabulary videos on the @ home tutor and answer the questions: Click here
1. Enter your name 2. Click "beginner" 3. Click "unidad 4" 4. Click "lección 2" 5. Click "vocabulario" 6. Click "presentación video"
2. Play scatter; (5-10 minutes) Click here
3. Play Jewels of Wisdom: (5-10 minutes) Click here
4. Complete the vocabulary practice activities on the @ home tutor and answer the questions: Click here
1. Enter your name 2. Click "beginner" 3. Click "unidad 4" 4. Click "lección 2" 5. Click "vocabulario" 6. Click "práctica"
5. Quiz yourself on the flashcards. Click here
-Star the cards that you do not know,
- Show the card in Spanish, say it in English
6. Take the lesson 1 quiz: Click here
If you didn't watch these videos yesterday check them out today:
-Watch the three videos on stem-changing verbs on this page: http://www.senorashby.com/stem-changing-verbs.html the top three should work.
HW: WB pg 177 + Study for your vocab quiz 4.2
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
miércoles, el 22 de febrero de 2017
Hola estudiantes, I got my dates mixed up and I'm out today and tomorrow. I'll be back Friday so we'll do the 4.2 vocab quiz then! :) Buena suerte. Be good for Mr. Pierce
Enfoque #61 - Act 5 pg. 224 - Use PODER

Now we're going to practice using the shoe verbs some more!
1. O--> UE Shoe Verbs, pg. 223
-Pull out your notes again on o--> ue shoe verbs so you can add things if you need.
-Watch this video here
-Add to your o--> ue notes by reading through the explanation here
-Practice with these activities here:
1. Complete the o to ue practice activities in the @ home tutor: click here 1. Enter name 2. Click "beginner" 3. Click "unidad 4" 4. Click "lección 2" 5. Click "gramática" 6. Click "práctica de gramática 1"
2. Play the following games (all verbs are o to ue verbs): -Flappy Bird -Tower Blocks
3. Take the tier 1 quiz: click here *If you receive an 18/20 or less, move on to tier 2
4. Complete the following activities: -Activity #1 -Activity #2 -Activity #3 -Activity #4
5. Take the tier 2 quiz: Click here *If you receive less than a 10/10, see your instructor for further explanation.
HW: WB pgs 176
If you have any extra time you can work on vocab games using the FLASH CARDS for Vocab Quiz 4.2 (pg. 237) on Friday
-Watch the three videos on stem-changing verbs on this page: http://www.senorashby.com/stem-changing-verbs.html the top three should work.
Enfoque #61 - Act 5 pg. 224 - Use PODER

Now we're going to practice using the shoe verbs some more!
1. O--> UE Shoe Verbs, pg. 223
-Pull out your notes again on o--> ue shoe verbs so you can add things if you need.
-Watch this video here
-Add to your o--> ue notes by reading through the explanation here
-Practice with these activities here:
1. Complete the o to ue practice activities in the @ home tutor: click here 1. Enter name 2. Click "beginner" 3. Click "unidad 4" 4. Click "lección 2" 5. Click "gramática" 6. Click "práctica de gramática 1"
2. Play the following games (all verbs are o to ue verbs): -Flappy Bird -Tower Blocks
3. Take the tier 1 quiz: click here *If you receive an 18/20 or less, move on to tier 2
4. Complete the following activities: -Activity #1 -Activity #2 -Activity #3 -Activity #4
5. Take the tier 2 quiz: Click here *If you receive less than a 10/10, see your instructor for further explanation.
HW: WB pgs 176
If you have any extra time you can work on vocab games using the FLASH CARDS for Vocab Quiz 4.2 (pg. 237) on Friday
-Watch the three videos on stem-changing verbs on this page: http://www.senorashby.com/stem-changing-verbs.html the top three should work.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
martes, el 21 de febrero de 2017
Enfoque #60 - Write the vocab word from 4.2 (pg. 237) that corresponds with each item
1. Es una persona que trabaja en un café.
2. Es el lugar adonde vas para comer.
3. Vas aquí para ver una película.
4. La necesitas para ir a un concierto.
5. Lo comes después del plato principal.
6. Compras entradas aquí.
-Notes - Ver --> Yo Veo, then Act 2 pg. 220
-Correct WB pgs 171-172
-Notes - o-->ue stem changers pg. 223
-Practice Acts 5-6 pg. 224
HW: WB pgs 174-175
FLASH CARDS for Vocab Quiz 4.2 (pg. 237) on Friday
1. Es una persona que trabaja en un café.
2. Es el lugar adonde vas para comer.
3. Vas aquí para ver una película.
4. La necesitas para ir a un concierto.
5. Lo comes después del plato principal.
6. Compras entradas aquí.
-Notes - Ver --> Yo Veo, then Act 2 pg. 220
-Correct WB pgs 171-172
-Notes - o-->ue stem changers pg. 223
-Practice Acts 5-6 pg. 224
HW: WB pgs 174-175
FLASH CARDS for Vocab Quiz 4.2 (pg. 237) on Friday
Friday, February 17, 2017
viernes, el 17 de febrero de 2017
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
miércoles, el 15 de febrero de 2017
No Enfoque
Manipulatives for Shoe Verbs
Review PPT 4.1
HW: Study for Test 4.1
Manipulatives for Shoe Verbs
Review PPT 4.1
HW: Study for Test 4.1
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
martes, el 14 de febrero de 2017
Feliz día de San Valentín :)
Enfoque #59 - Listening Activity - Act 1 pg. 214
Correct HW: Textbook pgs 214-215 (Activities 2-5)
Practice Games:
HW: WS URB 4.1 pgs 8-9
Test 4.1 on Thursday, 2/16
Here is what is on the test, as well as the review (below):
Vocab from pg. 213
Culture from 4.1 (Spain, Salvador Dalí, Seasons)
Tener Expressions pg. 198
Cuesta vs. Cuestan
Shoe Verbs (e-> ie pg. 199)
Direct Object Nouns and Pronouns (pg. 204)
Don't forget to check out the resources on Classzone.com; They have flashcards, videos, games, and @Home Tutor which has practice tests and more!
Enfoque #59 - Listening Activity - Act 1 pg. 214
Correct HW: Textbook pgs 214-215 (Activities 2-5)
Practice Games:
HW: WS URB 4.1 pgs 8-9
Test 4.1 on Thursday, 2/16
Here is what is on the test, as well as the review (below):
Vocab from pg. 213
Culture from 4.1 (Spain, Salvador Dalí, Seasons)
Tener Expressions pg. 198
Cuesta vs. Cuestan
Shoe Verbs (e-> ie pg. 199)
Direct Object Nouns and Pronouns (pg. 204)
Don't forget to check out the resources on Classzone.com; They have flashcards, videos, games, and @Home Tutor which has practice tests and more!
Friday, February 10, 2017
viernes, el 10 de febrero de 2017
Telehistoria - Leer y Mirar - 197, 202, 207
Cultura - Surrealism - Salvador Dali - pg. 203
Pronunciation with c - pg. 205
Cultura - Climas diferentes - pg. 206
Correct WB pgs 162, 166 if time
HW: Textbook pgs 214-215 (Activities 2-5)
Test 4.1 on Thursday, 2/16
Thursday, February 9, 2017
jueves, el 9 de febrero de 2017
No Enfoque - Practice Games/Activities for DO Pronoun Practice: -Activity #1 -Activity #2 -Activity #3 -Activity #4 -Activity #6 -Activity #7
-Correct WB pgs 155-156
HW: WB 162, 166
Test 4.1 - Thursday 2/16.
Special Schedule:
P1- 7:45-8:26
P2- 8:31-9:12
P3- 9:17-10:03
Snack- 10:03-10:18
P4- 10:23-11:30
P4- 11:35-12:43
P5- 12:48-1:29
Lunch- 1:29-1:59
P6- 2:04-2:45
-Correct WB pgs 155-156
HW: WB 162, 166
Test 4.1 - Thursday 2/16.
Special Schedule:
P1- 7:45-8:26
P2- 8:31-9:12
P3- 9:17-10:03
Snack- 10:03-10:18
P4- 10:23-11:30
P4- 11:35-12:43
P5- 12:48-1:29
Lunch- 1:29-1:59
P6- 2:04-2:45
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
miércoles, el 8 de febrero de 2017
Enfoque #58 - Copy and paste these sentences out. Underline the subject, italicize the verb, and bold the direct object noun (remember, go to the verb and ask what? what? what?!) Then rewrite it using the direct object pronoun (me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los or las).
Ex) El maestro escribe los problemas. --> El maestro escribe los problemas.---> rewrite: (since los problemas changes to LOS) El maestro los escribe (since the direct object PN replaces the NOUN and goes in front of the conjugated verb).
1. Yo compro una camiseta verde.
2. ¿Tú quieres una chaqueta nueva?
3. Ella piensa llevar unos jeans hoy.
4. Nosotros tenemos que hacer la tarea.
5. Ustedes empiezan a comer el almuerzo a la una y cuarto.
- Practicar: Pg 205 Activities 11, 12
- Correct WB pg. 154
- If time, we can do some online practice games/activities: -Activity #1 -Activity #2 -Activity #3 -Activity #4 -Activity #5 -Activity #6 -Activity #7
HW: WB pg. 155-156
Ex) El maestro escribe los problemas. --> El maestro escribe los problemas.---> rewrite: (since los problemas changes to LOS) El maestro los escribe (since the direct object PN replaces the NOUN and goes in front of the conjugated verb).
1. Yo compro una camiseta verde.
2. ¿Tú quieres una chaqueta nueva?
3. Ella piensa llevar unos jeans hoy.
4. Nosotros tenemos que hacer la tarea.
5. Ustedes empiezan a comer el almuerzo a la una y cuarto.
- Practicar: Pg 205 Activities 11, 12
- Correct WB pg. 154
- If time, we can do some online practice games/activities: -Activity #1 -Activity #2 -Activity #3 -Activity #4 -Activity #5 -Activity #6 -Activity #7
HW: WB pg. 155-156
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
martes, el 7 de febrero de 2017
Enfoque #57 - Make charts (use the insert --> table --> 2x3) for these five boot/shoe verbs:
1) preferir 2) querer 3) pensar 4) entender 5) empezar
Hint on how to make tables in Google Docs:
-Correct WS URB 4.2 pgs 5-6
-Notes: Direct Object Pronouns pg. 204
-Practice: Act. 11 Pg 205
HW: WB pgs 154-155
1) preferir 2) querer 3) pensar 4) entender 5) empezar
| |
-Correct WS URB 4.2 pgs 5-6
-Notes: Direct Object Pronouns pg. 204
-Practice: Act. 11 Pg 205
HW: WB pgs 154-155
Monday, February 6, 2017
lunes, el 6 de febrero de 2017
Enfoque #56 - Translate:
1. I think that I want to go to the library.
2. Do you prefer t-shirts or (nice) shirts?
3. He wants to buy some jeans.
4. We begin class at 7:45 in the morning.
5. They close the store at 9 at night.
-Practice with shoe verbs
-Correct WB Pgs 152-153
-Shoe Verb Game
HW: WS URB 4.1 pgs 5-6
1. I think that I want to go to the library.
2. Do you prefer t-shirts or (nice) shirts?
3. He wants to buy some jeans.
4. We begin class at 7:45 in the morning.
5. They close the store at 9 at night.
-Practice with shoe verbs
-Correct WB Pgs 152-153
-Shoe Verb Game
HW: WS URB 4.1 pgs 5-6
Friday, February 3, 2017
viernes, el 3 de febrero de 2017
Enfoque #55 - Act 6 pg. 200
- Vocab Quiz 4.1 (pg 213) (Quizlet flashcards)
- Act 5 pg. - Vocab Review Game
HW: 10 mins on http://avancemos.conjuguemos.com/html/conjugator_141.html (4.1 NOT cumulative); don't forget to take a picture of your results showing how many you got right in ten minutes or get a parent signature.
- Correct HW: WB pgs 152-153
- Shoe Verb Activity
- Vocab Review Game/Activity- Vocab Quiz 4.1 (pg 213) (Quizlet flashcards)
- Act 5 pg. - Vocab Review Game
HW: 10 mins on http://avancemos.conjuguemos.com/html/conjugator_141.html (4.1 NOT cumulative); don't forget to take a picture of your results showing how many you got right in ten minutes or get a parent signature.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
jueves, el 2 de febrero de 2017
Enfoque #54 - Act 1, pg. 196
- Vocab Practice Out Loud pg. 196, Act 2
- Correct HW: WB pgs 150-151
- Finish Notes - Shoe Verbs pg. 199 (Google Slides Presentation)
- Act 5 pg. 200
- Vocab Review Game
HW: WB pgs 152-153
Vocab Quiz 4.1 (pg 213) tomorrow (Quizlet flashcards)
- Vocab Practice Out Loud pg. 196, Act 2
- Correct HW: WB pgs 150-151
- Finish Notes - Shoe Verbs pg. 199 (Google Slides Presentation)
- Act 5 pg. 200
- Vocab Review Game
HW: WB pgs 152-153
Vocab Quiz 4.1 (pg 213) tomorrow (Quizlet flashcards)
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
miércoles, el primero de febrero de 2017
Enfoque #53 - Do a KWL chart for Spain (do the K-Know, W-Want to know, finish L after we Read Unit Opener); English is okay
When you finish, Read Unit Opener and fill out L (Learned) pg. 190-191
- Correct HW if necessary, WB pgs. 148-149
- Notes - Tener Expressions pg. 198
- Notes - Shoe Verbs pg. 199 (Google Slides Presentation)
HW: WB pgs 150-151
Vocab Quiz 4.1 (pg 213) on Friday (Quizlet flashcards)
When you finish, Read Unit Opener and fill out L (Learned) pg. 190-191
- Correct HW if necessary, WB pgs. 148-149
- Notes - Tener Expressions pg. 198
- Notes - Shoe Verbs pg. 199 (Google Slides Presentation)
HW: WB pgs 150-151
Vocab Quiz 4.1 (pg 213) on Friday (Quizlet flashcards)
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