Puedes tratar de usar estos..si no funcionan en IE or Firefox trata de usarlos en MS Word y despues pegarlos (paste them) en tu blog.
Accent marks/punctuation on the Mac
á, é, í, ó, ú = Press Option + E, release, then enter the vowel where you want
the accent mark
ñ = Press Option + n, release, then enter N a second time
¿ = Press Option/Shift + ?
¡ = Press Option + 1
ü = Press Option + U, release, then enter U a second time
Accent marks/punctuation on a PC
In MSWord you can do the easy way Ctrl + ' + letter or you can hold down the Alt key and type use the 3 digit code or 4 digit code
á = Ctrl+' then a or Alt + 160 / 0225
é = Ctrl+' then e or Alt + 130 / 0233
í = Ctrl+' then i or Alt + 161 / 0237
ñ = Ctrl+Shift+~ then n or Alt + 164 / 0241
ó = Ctrl+' then o or Alt + 162 / 0243
ú = Ctrl+' then u or Alt + 163 / 0250
ü = Ctrl+Shift+: then u or Alt + 129 / 0252
¿ = Alt+Ctrl+Shift+? or Alt + 168 / 0191
¡ = Alt+Ctrl+Shift+! or 173 / 0161