Thursday, March 19, 2020

jueves, el 19 de marzo de 2020

16-18 Marzo - Off of school

el 19 de marzo - OLAH   more info at

1. Fill out OLAH survey for Spanish Class (It's posted as an assingment in Classroom, mark as done when you are done if you followed the link above)

2. Watch - Mania Musical for today and Vota por tu favorita   (Youtube playlist)

Don Juan vs. Camarero

3. Use the learn or test feature for 5-10 minutes with your flashcards with e--> i / o-->ue (4.2 shoe verbs flash cards) - I can see if you log in or not through my teacher Quizlet account.

4. Complete M/C EdPuzzle video (posted in Google Classroom) to practice your listening comprehension

5. Read Lola and Manolo again and then open up your assignment in Google Classroom, answer the questions, do the summary.

HW: Finish Lola y Manolo Activity (due Friday, 3/20, at midnight)

Pre-Noches Vocabulario - Quizlet
Block 1
1. Se pone  + emotion - s/he gets + emotion
2. Conoce a - s/he meets / knows someone
3. Se convierte en - s/he turns into 
4. Ayuda - s/he helps 
5. Pide ayuda - s/he asks for help
6. Tú debes - s/he should

Block 2
7. Compartir - to share
8. Cortar - to cut
9. Limpio - clean
10. Probar - to try
11. Recordar - to remember
12. Seguir - to follow / continue
13. Sucio - dirty
14. Viejo - old
15. Joven - young
16. Volver - to return 
17. Tomar - to take / drink
18. Cocinar - to cook

Stem changing verbs
e → ie
o → ue
e → i
  1. Empezar - to start
  2. Entender - To understand
  3. Pensar - To think
  4. Preferir- To prefer
  5. Querer  - to want
  6. Tener - To have
  7. Venir* - to come
  1. Dormir - to sleep
  2. Poder - to be able (“can”)
  3. Volver - to return / come back
  4. Encontrar - to find
  5. Almorzar  - to lunch
  6. Recordar - to remember
  7. Mover - to move
  8. Probar - to try
  1. Competir -To compete
  2. Decir - to say
  3. Pedir - to ask for/order
  4. Repetir - to repeat
  5. Seguir - to follow / continue

If extra time, another Locura de Marzo here

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