Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Martes, 19 de Noviembre de 2013

Sp II Honors
Class Agenda 

Pass back 2.1 Tests

-Enfoque #19 (check back tomorrow)
1. My dad showered and then shaved.
2. We are always in a hurry so we have to wake up early.
3. Do you like combing or brushing your hair?
4. They washed their hands with soap and water.
5. I woke up, got dressed, brushed my teeth and left.

LOTERIA w/ 2.1 Vocabulary (3 rounds)

Reflexives in Preterite Tense WS

HW: Reflexives in Present/Past Tense Packet

Lunes, 18 de Noviembre de 2013

Spanish II H

Class Agenda

2.2 Vocabulary Quiz

Reflexives PPT 2.2

HW: Finish Mi Rutina booklet

Friday, November 15, 2013

Viernes, 15 de Noviembre de 2013

Sp II Honors
Enfoque #18 – Be careful and watch the tense! :)
1. I washed the dog and then I took a bath.
2. He prefers showering and always uses soap and shampoo.
3. Do you wake up at six every day? Normally I don’t get up until seven.
4. We always go to bed late because we have lots of homework.
5. My sisters put on makeup before they left last night.
-Correct WB pgs 76-78
-Practice Reflexives + vocab pg. 119 Act 6, 7
HW: Mini book about getting ready for the day - Mi Rutina Diaria: Include at least 6 pages with two sentences per page + a picture (real, drawn, clip art, magazine, etc).
-Vocab Quiz on Monday!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jueves, 14 de Noviembre de 2013

Spanish II H
Enfoque #17 -Usando las palabras de la página 133 escribe 5 oraciones. Intenta hacerlas con dos palabras y con “risk-taking”. 
Ejemplo) Me entreno todos los días para mantenerme en forma.
-Finish Vocab pg. 115
-Act 1, 2 pg. 115
-Notes: Pensar + Infinitive pg. 118, Act 5 pg. 118
-Notes: Reflexives pg. 119 (PPT)

-Leer y Mirar telehistoria 1 (first period only, fifth watched yesterday)
-Vocabulario 2.2 game (charades)
HW: WB pgs 76-78
2.2 Vocab Quiz on Monday

Miercoles, 13 de Noviembre de 2013

Spanish II H

-Quick Write #7 You went to Mexico for the day of the dead… Mention what you saw while there. Think of your video notes! Do you try any of the food? Mention any activities that you did too! Would you go again?
-Vocab Clues 2.2
-Leer: Vocab pgs 114-115

-Leer y mirar telehistoria 1
HW: WB pgs 73-75
Vocab Quiz 2.2 on Thursday

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Martes, 12 de Noviembre de 2013

Class Agenda:
2.1 Test

HW: 2.2 Flashcards

Viernes, 8 de Noviembre de 2013

Spanish II Honors

Class Agenda:
PPT 2.1 (Repaso)

HW: STUDY for 2.1 Test!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Jueves, 7 de Noviembre de 2013

Spanish II H

Class Agenda: 

-Enfoque: Translate-- (1,5)

1.Did you all eat healthfully last night?
2.To exercise and stay in shape, she does bicycle racing.
3.That sportsman runs very quickly on the track.
4.Those girls won the championship last year.
5.Oh, please! Score a goal already

-Telehistoria: Leer y mirar (5 only) 

Pg 95 Act #5-6 as a class (5 only)
Pg 101 Act #13-14 in groups (1 only)

-What's on the test? 
Preterite er, ir
Argentina Culture
World Cup Culture
Adverbs (pg 100)
Vocab pg. 109


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Miercoles, 6 de Noviembre de 2013


-  SpII-Enfoque #16 –    Translate: 
1. I didn't score a goal in that net. Ugh! 
2. We are tied in this game and need to be fast and not slow.
3. Do you want to stay in shape and be healthy? 
4. It’s important to exercise and follow a balanced diet. 
5. Do you like that handsome sportsman?

-Leer Culture pgs 102, 106-107 + take notes ( 5th period)
-Repasar pg 96 (1st period)
Telehistoria 1, 2, 3 (leer y mirar) (1st Period)
-HW: WB pgs 66, 68, 70

Test 2.1 on Tuesday

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Martes, 5 de Noviembre de 2013

Spanish II Honors

Class Agenda:

Enfoque #14 – Translate: 
1. They exercised and then rested.
2. I followed a balanced diet.
3. Ugh! We are tied!
4. He’s very muscular and runs quickly!
5. It’s necessary to stay in shape!
-Notes: Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns (Powerpoint Slides) from page 100
-Vocab Game 2.1: LOTERIA! (included Demonstrative Adjectives & Pronouns on page 100)

-Cultura: Read Comparacion Cultural pg. 96 (Los Cantos Deportivos) and 102 (El Equipo de Futbol)
-Lectura: Listened to audio while reading along to La Copa Mundial on pages 106-107, answered questions 1-5 as a class.
-Vocab Quiz 2.1
HW: WB pgs 56-58 (Act 3) + Book pg. 101 Act 14 parts a & b

Bring your ID cards, Wednesday is a computer lab day!