Friday, November 30, 2018

viernes, el 30 de noviembre de 2018

Did you submit your HW in Google Classroom??

P2 - Enfoque # 44 - La familia Gramática en contexto (You can copy and paste the picture into your enfoque and edit using Google Draw if you want), or just put the answers next to the numbers.
Read the clues below to fill in the tree with the names of Flora and Diego’s family members. Hints: Rectangles contain male family members and diamonds contain female family members. Two shapes touching are married couples. Arrows point to children. Straight lines connect brothers and sisters.

Pistas (Clues):
a. Flora es la hija de Cristina.
b. Ángela es la madre de José.
c. Antonio es el primo de Jamie.
d. Pilar es la hermana de Flora.
e. José es el tío de Diego.
f. Ronaldo es el abuelo de Antonio.
g. Diego es el hijo de Lisa.
h. Ángela es la abuela de Pilar.
i. Cristina es la tía de Diego.
j. José es el hermano de Lisa.

- Review #s - Flashcards for #s 1-1000 (5 mins)
- Quizziz # Practice Numbers 1-1000
- Quick check: with code: 067275  Teacher Link
- Notes - Comparatives pg. 175 PPT
HW: WB pgs 128

Study for test 3.2 next week
3.2 Flashcards

Thursday, November 29, 2018

jueves, el 29 de noviembre de 2018

Enfoque #43 - Act 11 pg. 173
Escribe un párrafo sobre tu familia. Incluye las respuestas a las siguientes preguntas. (Write a paragraph about your family. Include the answers to the following questions.)
• ¿Es grande o pequeña tu familia?
• ¿Cuántos hermanos y hermanas tienes?
• ¿Cómo son las personas de tu familia?
• ¿Cuántos años tienen las personas de tu familia? modelo: Mi familia es grande. Tengo tres hermanos y una hermana. Mi madre tiene treinta y siete años. Es...

-Mirar: Tu familia (rap)
- Quick Vocab Review - 5 mins Flashcards
- Vocab Quiz 3.2
Correct HW: WB pgs 125-127
- Notes - Comparatives pg. 175 PPT
-Act 12, 13 pg. 175
- Leer: Telehistoria 3.2 pgs 167172177
- Mirar: Telehistoria 3.2  (completa)
Extra time? 3.2 for 10 mins

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

miercoles, el 28 de noviembre de 2018

Sorry, I ended up having to go to a training today on campus! I hope you use your time wisely. If you're good, Mr. Rodriguez has permission to give you no HW so you can study for your quiz tomorrow, but if you're wasting your time, you'll have a worksheet on possessive adjectives.

Pull out your HW and Mr. Rodriguez can stamp it

Repasar: Numbers 1-100 - (5 minutes)
Practicar: Numbers, months Flashcards for #s 1-1000 (5 mins)
-Practice out loud with a partner pg. 170 Act 6 (look at the PPT if you need help)
- Online Practice - Activity 1   Activity 2  (5-10 minutes)

When the above is finished you're going to try out something new, Sr. Wooly :) 
1. Go to and choose student sign up
2. Go to Google Classroom for the Senor Wooly code
3. Start the lessons... I don't know how far you'll get but it's some listening practice with some new words. Try it out! Get as far as you can! Start out by watching the videos and completing the activities. You may pull out your headphones if you'd like! :)

HW: Study for your vocab quiz. If you're off-task Mr. Rodriguez can assign this worksheet for you.
 (Vocab Quiz 3.2 on Thursday p. 183)

3.2 Flashcards
Vocab 3.2 (fixed)
Possessive Adjectives

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

martes, el 27 de noviembre de 2018

Enfoque #42 -Translate (use vocab on pg. 183 if you need)
1. Marta's dog is brown.
2. Daniel's brother is tall.
3. Ricardo's birthday is December 12th (hint, look at the date on the blog if you can't remember how to format the date)
4. Susana's cat is black and white.
5. (write out this number) 1756
-Review Family Words (PPT)
-Correct HW WB pgs 122-124
Repasar: Numbers 1-100 -
Practicar: Numbers, months Flashcards for #s 1-1000 (5 mins)
Review/Sing - Meses del Año song (1 or 2 times)
-Apuntes: Possessive Adjectives pg. 169 PPT
-Practice pg. 170, Act 5 (in PPT), 6
- Online Practice - Activity 1   Activity 2 

HW: WB pgs 125-127
 (Vocab Quiz 3.2 on Thursday p. 183)

3.2 Flashcards
Vocab 3.2
Possessive Adjectives

Monday, November 26, 2018

lunes, el 26 de noviembre de 2018

Enfoque #41 - (get your new Enfoques in Google Classroom)
1. ¿Cómo te llamas?
2. ¿De dónde es tu mejor amigo(a) (best friend)?
3. ¿De dónde es tu familia?
4. ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
5. ¿Qué día es hoy?
6. ¿Qué te gusta hacer cuando (when) hace buen tiempo?
7. ¿Qué te gusta comer y beber?

Leer: Vocabulario Nuevo p. 164-165
Practicar: Act 1,2  pg. 166
Apuntes: 's - pg. 166
Listen/Sing - Meses del Año song
HW: WB pgs 122-124 (Vocab Quiz 3.2 on Thursday)

3.2 Flashcards
Vocab 3.2
Possessive Adjectives

Friday, November 16, 2018

viernes, el 16 de noviembre de 2018

Examen 3.1

No hay tarea :) but make sure you turn your Enfoques in by midnight if you didn't already submit them in Google Classroom!

Feliz dia de Gracias

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

miercoles, el 14 de noviembre de 2018

Enfoque #40 - Act 1 pg 160 (audio)

-Correct HW 160 -161 
-Review ppt

Practice for test!
3.1 Test- er/ir + gustar later this week, Thursday (review ppt)

3.1 Quizlet Links
Quizlet Culture
ER present
IR present
Hacer present
Gustar with nouns

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

martes, el 13 de noviembre de 2018

Enfoque #39 - Para y Piensa pg. 152 (the stop sign at the bottom of the page) + write 2 sentences about Tuesday the 13th (read here or here)

-Correct WB Pgs 106-107
-Leer: Cultura pgs. 152
-Leer: Telehistoria 143148153
-Mirar: Telehistoria scene 1scene 2scene 3 (all three)
-Practice: @HomeTutor  - Complete the practice activities on the @home tutor: 1. Enter your name 2. Click "beginner" 3. Click "unidad 3" 4. Click "lección 1" 5. Click "gramática" 6. Click "práctica de gramática 2 for er/ir" or práctica de gramática 1 for gustar; If it is too easy feel free to change to Level B or C.

-More games and practice: (Pick what you need to work on!)
            Gustar - Activity 1   Activity 2  Activity 3
            Er and Ir - Activity 1  Activity 2  Activity 3

You can practice gustar more here: password is in Google Classroom You can also get er/ir practice here:

HW: Book pg. 160-161 (2-5)

3.1 Test- er/ir + gustar later this week, Thursday (review ppt)

3.1 Quizlet Links
Quizlet Culture
ER present
IR present
Hacer present
Gustar with nouns

Friday, November 9, 2018

viernes, el 9 de noviembre de 2018

Enfoque #38 - Act 13 pg 151

After Enfoque, practice the vocab here; then if you finish you may practice: Vocab 3.1 with Quizlet  or play Stellar Speller  or Jewels of Wisdom  with the vocab.

-Vocab Quiz 3.1

-Music Video: Conjugation Style
-Correct WB pg 105
-Notes: er/ir verbs pg. 150 PPT
-Practice: ER/IR verbs Activity 1  Activity 2  Activity 3
-10 mins on for Unit 3.1 er/ir practice (either change the timer to 10 minutes or do two sets of 5 minutes)
-Link to the vocab videos/practice for er/ir verbs (password is in Google classroom or message me)

HW: WB pgs 106-107

Thursday, November 8, 2018

jueves, el 8 de noviembre de 2018

Enfoque #37 - Translate:
1. I like grapes.
2. He likes soup.
3. We like bananas.
4. They like milk.
5. Do you like breakfast?

When you finish, practice the vocab here; then if you finish you may practice: Vocab 3.1 with Quizlet  or play Stellar Speller  or Jewels of Wisdom  with the vocab.

-Correct WB pgs 102-104
-Interrogatives Song - Q? Words Flashcards
-Watch Gustar Video Notes (if you still need help) or  Practice: Gustar - Activity 1   Activity 2  Activity 3 if needed

-Notes: er/ir verbs pg. 150 PPT
-Practice: ER/IR verbs Activity 1  Activity 2  Activity 3
-Music Video: Conjugation Style
-10 mins on for Unit 3.1 er/ir practice (either change the timer to 10 minutes or do two sets of 5 minutes)
-Link to the vocab videos/practice for er/ir verbs (password is in Google classroom or message me)

HW: WB pgs 105 + Study for vocab quiz tomorrow Quizlet link to flashcards
Friday's HW: WB pgs 106-107

For next week's test on 3.1 - We will have to decide either Thursday or Friday depending on when the other teachers have their tests planned.
3.1 Quizlet Links
Quizlet Culture
ER present
IR present
Hacer present
Gustar with nouns
Question Words

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

miercoles, el 7 de noviembre de 2018

Enfoque #36 - Act 1 pg. 142 - Take this image and either circle or color in the hidden images that you see that are vocabulary words and list them below the image (there are 8).
In your Google Doc go to "Insert --> Drawing --> and then click on the picture icon with the mountain. Then choose URL) Here is the image to insert (or the URL is ):
Underneath you can list 1) - 8) with the vocab words. Use pg. 159 if you can't remember them
(see the bottom of the blog post for info on using Google Draw to do this!)

-Correct HW: WB pgs 99-101
-Notes:  Pg 144  Interrogative Words + Act. 3 pg. 144 
-Notes: Gustar with Nouns pg. 145 (PPT) + Act. 5 pg. 144 
-If time, Practice on Quizlet Flashcards 3.1 (Quizlet link to flashcards) - Quiz Friday
HW: WB pgs 102-104 due on Thursday

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

martes, el 6 de noviembre de 2018

Enfoque # 35 - Answer in complete sentences
1. ¿A qué hora vas a la escuela?
2. ¿Dónde hay muchos libros en la escuela?
3. ¿Dónde practicas deportes en la escuela?
4. ¿A qué hora vas a la cafetería en la escuela?
5. ¿Cuándo vas a la oficina del director?

Quizlet Culture
-Vocabulario Nuevo p. 140 - 141
-Act 1, 2 pg. 142
HW: WB pgs 99-101

Vocab Quiz 3.1 (pg 159) on Friday!

3.1 Quizlet Links
Quizlet Culture
ER present
IR present
Hacer present
Gustar with nouns

Monday, November 5, 2018

lunes, el 5 de noviembre de 2018

Enfoque #34 - write down your first six sentences of this game -->  Noun/Adjective Review - Dice Game (use these dice; these nouns -
Die #1: 1) el maestro, 2) la amiga, 3) los estudiantes, 4) yo, 5) las chicas, 6) nosotros;
Die #2:  Use these adjectives with ser/estar (don't forget to conjugate them) - 1)ser alto, 2) ser bajo, 3) ser cómico, 4) estar contento, 5) estar triste, 6) estar nervioso)

Example)  I get 5 and 2... 5 = las chicas... 2 = ser bajo  --->  Las chicas son bajas.

Movie Talk Activity

Begin Chapter 3.1
-Cultura de Puerto Rico p. 136-137 and bottom of 138 (take notes so you don't have to look stuff up later)


Friday, November 2, 2018

viernes, el 2 de noviembre de 2018

Review for Test

Take test 2.2 on Illuminate :)


Thursday, November 1, 2018

jueves, el primero de noviembre de 2018

Hoy es el dia de los muertos :)

Do Trivia here! Read and article here!

Actividad  - Jumping Jack Skeleton Instructions (packet origianlly from

Don't forget!

Test 2.2 is on Friday
What's on the test?
Estar (feelings, location pg. 115)
Ir (to go, pg. 120)
Mexican culture pgs 116, 122, 126-127
Vocab p. 129

Quizlet Flashcards for 2.2
-ir (to go) meaning and endings
-estar (to be feeling/to be location) meanings and endings
-Vocab 2.2 pg. 129