Tuesday, August 25, 2020

martes, el 25 de agosto de 2020

Hoy es...

martes, el 25 (veintisiete) de agosto de 2019

Bienvenidos a la clase de Español :)

Back to School Kahoot! (Teacher Link / Student Link)

We also did this Kahoot ( Teacher linkStudent Link)

- Log on to
Google Classroom
Remind.com  Send a message to #81010 with the message @marcroft
Aeries - reset your password here

Tips on typing with accents on the computer! For the chromebook, you can install an add-on in Docs (Easy Accents) or you can copy and paste them from here (CTRL + SHIFT + D to erase the formatting)  á  é  í  ó  ú  ü  ñ  ¿  and ¡

HW #1 – Go to Google Classroom and Open the HW, a Google Slides Presentation from me, add a pictures (for one use the built-in image search, or use the camera on the Chromebook),  Add a title or a sentence about each picture, then turn it in on Google Classroom under “Google Slides HW #1 – 8/25”

Vocabulario Quizlet Flashcards - Top Half of pg 25 / Bottom Half of Pg 25 / All Vocab

HW: Due Thursday by midnight.