-Help with Google Slides assignment
-Set up Remind ( text @marcroft to the number 81010 )
-Set up ClassDojo for participation
-Create and share a Google Doc with a classmate.
-Answer a Google Classroom Poll/Question
No HW today :) HW #3 - 8/31/16 - Create a Google Doc with 5 things about you and a picture of you. Turn it in online in Google Classroom.
Log into Online book – Look around the book if you are
already in, if you’re not, we’ll troubleshoot this in class!)
Google Task #1 – Create a Google Doc, name it, write three
things about yourself, share it with your neighbor, turn it in on Google Classroom under “Google Doc Practice #1
– 8/30”
Google Task #2 – Open a Google Slides Presentation from me,
add two pictures (for one use the built-in image search, and for one, use the
camera on the Chromebook), Add
titles or a sentence about each picture, then turn it in on Google Classroom
under “Google Slides Practice #2 – 8/30”
HW #2 – Go to Google Classroom and Open the HW, a Google Slides Presentation from me, add a pictures (for one use the built-in image search, or use the camera on the Chromebook), Add a title or a sentence about each picture, then turn it in on Google Classroom under “Google Slides HW #2 – 8/30”
- Roll
- Introductions
- Kahoot (1st Day of School Trivia)
- Introduction to the Chromebooks (slideshow)
- Set up Google Classroom - Period 1 code - 7w9ibcn .. Period 2 code - jd7beop
- Set up online book - 6176702-10, 2007 edition
- Set up Edline.net (or cerritoshs.com)
- Google Introduction (log in, send email to me, + a friend, set up forwarding (optional))
¡Bienvenidos al blog para la clase de español! Aquí te cuento sobre mi vida y las cosas que más me gustan. :)
Enseño el español en Cerritos High School. Me casé hace cinco años y tengo cuatro hijos, Sammy (7), Nathan (5), Daniel (3) y Benjamin (1). Somos muy felices y nos gusta pasar tiempo afuera, caminar mucho por el barrio y ir a los parques juntos.