Monday, November 22, 2010

lunes, el 22 de diciembre de 2010

-Enfoque #37 - Write 5 sentences including the vocab on pg. 163
-Correct WB pgs 99-100
-Notes - FGM Verbs (PPT) pg. 148
HW: Write 7 sentences (one for each FGM verbs: faltar/fascinar, gustar, molestar, quedar, encantar, importar/interesar and doler (pick either faltar or fascinar / importar or interesar).

Sp II Honors
-Enfoque #35 - Act 9 pg. 151
-Finish Irregular Yo Present Tense PPT
-Practice pg. 150 Acts 6, 8
-Notes - FGM Verbs (PPT) pg. 148
HW: Write 7 sentences (one for each FGM verbs: faltar/fascinar, gustar, molestar, quedar, encantar, importar/interesar and doler (pick either faltar or fascinar / importar or interesar).

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