Monday, January 9, 2017

lunes, el 9 de enero de 2017

No Enfoque

- Read and Review C2-C3 and C4- C5 (we'll be reading and reviewing up to C13 this week in preparation for the  final; jot down notes as necessary)
- Practice Orals with a partner
- Begin Blog

By the end of class you need to finish the front page of your blog and submit your URL (the URL it publishes to NOT the editing URL ( or it should look like mine: ) ! :) or copy (CTRL + C) and paste (CTRL + V) it  it into the Google form.

  1. Writing Sections - at LEAST one paragraph each (4-6 sentences MINIMUM)
    1. Introduction - due Tuesday, 1/10/17, at the beginning of class
      1. Introduce yourself, talk about your name, where you are from, and your age. You could include favorites (if you’d like, color, food, animal, friend, class etc.)
    2. Likes/Dislikes - due Tuesday, 1/10/17, by the end of class
      1. Talk about what you like to do, don’t like to do
      2. Talk about what your like to eat/don’t like to eat
      3. Talk about what you like/don’t like about school
    3. Your Family, 1/10/17, - due Wednesday, 1/11/17, by the end of class
      1. Describe your family, what their names are, what they look like, what they do, etc.
      2. Talk about your house, where you live, etc (if you didn’t already do this in your introduction).
  2. Video or Audio Section - due Thursday, 1/12/17, by the end of class
    1. You can read one of your sections above OR you can make up a different dialogue

Reminder: EC due on Thursday too!

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